Sunday, December 19, 2010

Mirror, Mirror On the Fence...

We have a simple bird feeder hanging outside our kitchen window, and I've taken photos through the blinds of many cardinals, a Cooper's hawk that used to visit, and even somebody's lost parakeet. But this is the first woodpecker we've seen in our courtyard in the city. He's obviously not used to landing on a bird feeder, but Big Daddy was able to capture this picture while the little guy was otherwise distracted. He looks to me like he's asking directions of the non-responsive bird in the mirror - or maybe he's telling himself what a handsome bird he's become.

I'm not sure whether you can see the red on the back of his head, but it's quite distinctive. He's not as big as this one that we spotted at Le Rustique,

so I doubt he followed us in from the farm. I recently read that woodpeckers especially need suet to replace their summer diet of insects, but we noticed this morning that the squirrels have completely cleaned us out of that. If he hangs around for a couple days, I'll go get him some more.

And, geez, it looks like I need to increase the resolution on my camera before posting any more wildlife shots. My apologies.

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