Sunday, May 6, 2012

Hello Kitty...

Big Daddy made his weekly rounds of the game cameras we keep in the woods of Le Rustique, and we were stunned to find this shot among the more typical ones of deer and turkey. There appears to be a little more wildlife around here than we first thought.
Well - Hello Kitty! You're up and about quite early at just after 5:00 a.m.
At first we thought this was a juvenile mountain lion, because of the distinctive shape of the head and ears, but the shorter tail, foreleg markings and tufting under the chin make it more likely a mature bobcat. We did send the photo to Missouri Department of Conservation for verification, but we haven't heard anything yet. Anyone else have an opinion?


  1. i'd say bobcat just based on the leg stripes. very cool to see! :)

  2. I immediately thought bobcat. Larger than I've seen, though.

  3. A bobcat! I haven't seen one since I was a little girl. I saw it at Camp Mihaska outside of Bourbon MO.

  4. My little dog would just be a snack to that guy.

  5. Not so sure...I haven't seen a Bobcat in many years, but that would be my guess I think.

  6. Whichever he is, he's big enough that I wouldn't want to meet him on a walk through the woods!

  7. My thought was bob cat because of the tail. Neat photo!

  8. Wow, great to see photos like this on your property :) probably a bobcat or do you have lynx?

  9. Well, with the bobbed tail, I'll go with bobcat! That's about the extent of my knowledge.

  10. oh my gosh! that is so cool! my kids would love everything about this..and love being scared about it too!!
    I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.

  11. He looks BIG! (Our little bobcat at the local nature center looks about half his size!!!) Pretty exciting. That picture looks like it needs a scary movie to go with it!

  12. WoW-zers, talk about surprises!! i think it looks like a bobcat also. best be careful on an evening stroll!!

  13. What a smart idea to use the state's resources to ID your critter. I would never have thought of that.

    Regardless, it is nice to be forewarned about what is moving around your homestead, so the cameras were a great idea as well.


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